Fiberglass entry doors

A garage door is a great way to keep your car, your tools and your other garage items safe from intruders. They can keep your belongings safe at night but provide easy access during the day as most garage doors can be operated with remote control access. Furthermore, they can add value to your home. However, garage doors can also be quite expensive to buy and to install, not to mention the cost of maintaining them.

One of the main problems with garage doors is the lack of insulation. If you live in a cold climate, you want to ensure that your garage door can keep the heat in and that cold wintery air out. If not, then you are looking at higher energy bills and snow and rain in the winter and unwanted bugs and insects in the summer that you can most likely do without.

When it comes to insulating your garage door, you will more likely need an insulation kit. Insulation kits come with all the materials needed for DIY garage door insulation. You will also need weather strip, polyurethane foam, nails and a hammer to get the job done right.

So how do you successfully insulate your garage door just in time for the cold season? Read the following instructions to find out:

1.The first thing you need to do is measure your garage door panels to see how much polyurethane foam sheets you will need. Take a visit to the local hardware shop with the measurements.

2.Next, insert the foam along the garage panels with a putty knife. Cover them with aluminum foil tape or any other type of tape.

3.Take your weather strip to add additional insulation. Remove the backing material from the weather strip so that the adhesive side is facing downwards towards the garage door panel.

4.To ensure that the adhesive is sticking, use nails and a hammer to pin it in place.

5.Purchase a garage door insulation kit from your local hardware shop. Ask the sales staff to help you find a quality garage door kit that will provide years of wear and tear. Follow the instructions to complete the job and provide the maximum insulation to your garage door.

When it comes to preparing for the cold season, it is also a good idea to opt for a garage door made out of steel, wood or aluminum. Fiber glass, although pleasant to the eye, does not hold up in colder climates and can easily crack, break and allow for that cold climate to come drafting in.

Furthermore, tilt up garage doors also tend to let the cold air and poor weather in more than the sectional garage door counterpart. If you are shopping around for a garage door and insulation is a key factor, then perhaps it is a better idea to purchase a sectional garage door. Although they are more expensive than the tilt up, they also provide additional insulation now without all the DIY work later.